My ideal job after finishing school would just be to find one in my field of expertise that pays somewhat well. I am a realist, I know that I will not find a job where I am making 6 figures right off the bat. Anyone who listened to the speaker from the career office talk about that bar graph that broke down who gets hired by what type of degree they have should know that as well.

I choose digital gaming and media because I wanted to work in the entertainment industry. I figured that since the interactive industry is bringing in more money than TV and movies along with becoming more like movies in their presentation and format, I would have an easier time finding work. But now I am having second thoughts. I don't really want to spend the rest of my life until retirement chained to a desk in some cubicle writing code for a Spongebob Squarepants game for 18 hours a day. I know that code writing is a must know in the field today. I have no problem doing it, it's just I don't want it to be what I do each and every day in the industry. So, I am now leaning more towards being a freelance artist and writer. I would still want to work in the industry, but primarily more in the creative development and story-boarding aspects of the business. This way, I wouldn't just be limited to games. I could find work in all types of fields in they entertainment industry, which is my overall goal. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to be limited to doing one specific thing over and over again. There is nothing worse for any artist than tedium, I would think. It quashes one's drive to create by making the mind creatively stagnant. One of my favorite quotes is that of the description of insanity. It is described as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I want to be the exact opposite of that quote by coming up with ideas and creating things that haven't been thought of yet. This is partly due to spending most of my childhood growing up in the company of machinists and engineers. When the subject came up who you wanted to be, my friends would most of the time name a popular sports or entertainment figure that best emulated what their aspirations were. When I was asked, I would most often choose the likes of Howard Hughes and Thomas Edison. You could just imagine how popular I was.
If I was to become a top-tier game designer, my annual salary would range from $70,746 to $111,172 in my local area with a mid-range of $90,958, according to a wage survey by The Creative Group. Not too shabby. But then again, I'm still undecided on what my base profession will ultimately be. So only time will tell.
Yes I think you are a realist, but you can do and accomplish anything you set your mind too.